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This is the first volume in the Mr. Nietzsche manga series which depicts a story about a young millennial named Matsu Koma, who works the late-night shift at a convenience store and his experiences with Tomoharu Nii (Mr. Nietzsche), a new part-time worker who Matsu Koma has been tasked to train. When Tomoharu is confronted with an angry customer who tells him that “The customer is God.” Tomoraharu replies, “God is dead.”
The story gives a humorous insight into life as a Japanese millennial and also into the daily routine of a part-time worker in a convenience store in Japan. The writing in the comic strip is in English and the original Japanese narrative is written in the margins. This bilingual edition is primarily for Japanese native readers, but can also be enjoyed by native English speakers who appreciate manga and Japanese humor.
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